ISO-Pacific Remediation Technologies, Inc. would like to recognize Ann Burke, Vice President of Business Development, and the the outstanding work she has been a part of at the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME). Recently, the Buffalo Post recognized Burke’s service and leadership for more than 20 years.
She sums up her gratitude toward her colleagues, “I usually am in middle of stuff like this, but the boys did it themselves and surprised the hell out of me!” Normally, Burke plays an essential role in planning awards, however this time, her fellow SAME members kept Burke in the dark until they could present her with the Buffalo Post’s Centennial recognition for more than 20 Years of Leadership and special recognition of her service at the Buffalo Post.

Above: Ann Burke and Bill Lorenz, Vice President of Cabrera Services, received the Society of American Military Engineers’ (SAME) Buffalo Post’s Centennial recognition for more than 20 Years of Leadership from Carmine Tronolone of the Buffalo Post Board of Directors. ISO-Pacific congratulates Cabrera’s continued success and SAME support. Cabrera Services has a Joint Venture and ongoing project with ISO-Pacific – so it’s all in the family!
“I usually am in middle of stuff like this, but the boys did it themselves and surprised the hell out of me!”
Below: Ann Burke, Vice President of the SAME Buffalo Post and Nick Tompkins of Sevenson and President of the Buffalo Post received special recognition of their service from SAME National Executive Director from BG(Ret) Joe Schroedel.

This week, both Ann Burke, Vice President of ISO-Pacific, and Lori Dillon, President of ISO-Pacific, are attending the Greater Kansas City (GKC) SAME Industry Day. Both will also be attending the SAME’s 2021 Federal Small Business Conference, to be held November 17-19, 2021 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia. ISO hopes to see you there!
October 18, 2021