The Mobile Acquisition Platform – Remediation (MAPR) is ISO-Pacific’s mobile surveying platform. It is purpose driven, designed to fit the specific requirements necessary to appropriately assay an area of concern. The MAPR can be used in several different capacities to meet the terrain. Attached to: cranes and carts for slopes and pits; backpacks for flat or forested areas; and rovers for large areas, MAPR can be used everywhere. The MAPR provides real-time GIS processing and mapping output is produced in PDF.

ISO’s MAPR is a rugged and accurate way to survey any area for contamination. The Trimble GPS system is capable of defining a location, even in a fairly dense and wooded canopy. These coordinates, along with the information from the detectors are transferred back to our integrated software to produce real-time maps of contaminated areas.


In 2015, our MAPR was affixed to a Rhino 4×4 unit and used to map and release over 100 acres of land for Portsmouth. The unit, its maps, and the efficiency of our MAPR Operators were both well-received and touted by our client.

We are proud to offer such a versatile and robust mapping system. It can be used in concert with our Soil Sorting System (S3) to survey an area during a large remediation effort. Whatever your challenge, or contamination of concern, our MAPR system can be configured to give you accurate, real-time maps to assist in your remedial goals.

A man riding a car and a man standing beside it